

March 19, 2020



Good morning everyone,

On behalf of the Elixir Aircraft team, I would first of all like to send my sincerest thoughts and feelings to those of you whom are directly being affected by the virus as well as to those of you whom are doing your best to allow life to move on as normally as possible. Bravo & thank you.

The production team was put on short-term working leave and the engineers and sales staff were switched to home office as soon as the first containment order was issued. We are sorry that we are not able to do more, but Elixir Aircraft’s 20 employees are all nevertheless proud to take part in slowing down the spread of the virus.

It is therefore at a distance from each other that we received the huge reward for which we fought so hard:

On March 20, 2020 the Elixir in its 100hp VFR version received its type certificate in the queen of all categories: CS-23, under the most recent amendment (5), which reflects the highest level of safety possible today.

Although it is hard to rejoice when our entire planet is fighting an invisible enemy, we should look back to fully appreciate how far we have come since our first certification meeting with the team of european agency in charge of the certification (EASA) on 24 January 2017, only 3 years ago.

The Elixir, to our knowledge, is the only modern light aircraft in the world designed from a blank sheet of paper to have obtained its certification following the latest amendment of the most rigorous category: CS-23, and doing this with safety objectives regularly exceeding the certification objectives!

The Elixir is also the only aircraft on the market to bring together so many innovations, equipment and performance!

On a personal note, I would therefore like to congratulate all of those who made this possible: the members of Elixir Aircraft, the close advisers and consultants of course, but also the EASA team, our investors, our customers, our banks, our design and production subcontractors, the administrations, and of course our families, whose support and encouragement are irreplaceable. Bravo and thank you!

I would also like to take this opportunity to share with you two other excellent pieces of news:


  • The production of the first 4 aircrafts has recently started

  • Work on the future Elixir Aircraft plant at La Rochelle airport began in December 2019. The delivery of these 2,300m² dedicated to the production and assembly of the Elixir was initially scheduled for the end of May 2020.


We are now entering a new phase of the adventure: production and delivery. For the past 10 days, we have been contacting our customers one by one in order to announce the news personally, before broadcasting it out to the public, as well as presenting the provisional flight program. Indeed, as soon as it is possible, each one of our future customers will be invited to spend a day at Elixir Aircraft. The program of the day will be the following:


  • Half a day devoted to a detailed presentation of the Elixir: flight manual, performance, instrument panel, innovations, maintenance, airworthiness monitoring, etc…

  • Half a day devoted to flights on the Elixir allowing to discover its key features and assets: maneuverability, exceptional stall safety, performance, etc… All this while discovering or rediscovering our wonderful region from the sky.


We will open these test flights to new prospects soon afterwards.

We are proud to have reached our objectives : safety, comfort, simplicity, performance, respect for the environment.

We hope that the news will put a smile on your face.


Arthur Léopold-Léger, Elixir Aircraft’s CEO





By the way, what does the 4th generation mean to you?

Whether in terms of safety, versatility or operating costs, no need for compromises! The Elixir, our 4th generation light aircraft, is the only aircraft to offer all the equipment below.

Improve safety
Increase versatility
Reduce costs


* Fuel and maintenance. Data given as an indication, subject to change without notice.
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