
Now 2016!

January 6, 2016

Arthur Leopold-Leger, Elixir Aircraft’s CEO

“2015 has been an intense and very positive year for Elixir Aircraft. It ended with a very promising news for the future, we are pleased to announce that our first investor’s round has been successfully concluded. We can now move to the prototype production phase! Big thank you to the Synergence Business Angels for your support & investment.

After a year of existence we can look back and see the huge amount of work that has been done. From 2015, we will remember:

  • 3 co-founders
  • 2 new engineers employed
  • 2 interns
  • 1 successful funds rising
  • A 2145Mo Digital Mock-up created on the Cloud
  • Several 100s of calculation sheets and other simulations
  • 175 company organization documents
  • 1 International Air Show
  • 30 articles in newspapers all over the world
  • 2 TV interviews
  • 60,000km of car travel all over Europe
  • 2 building move from 20 to 330m²


  • 440 liters of coffee (at least)
  • 1 black Labrador as a feel good manager

Sharing this good news, the ELIXIR team wishes you all: a happy new year while looking forward to see you in 2016 to continue our exciting adventure.”

Stay tuned

Arthur Léopold-Léger – Nicolas Mahuet – Cyril Champenois
Improve safety
Increase versatility
Reduce costs


* Fuel and maintenance. Data given as an indication, subject to change without notice.
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